All Services are Rendered Free to the Community
Bereavement Support Groups
- Aimed at supporting individuals to find their own inner resources when faced with loss, to acknowledge that grief is painful but a normal process
- Bereavement groups
- Bereavement counsellor
Home Care
The Home Care Team:
- Trained Caregiver
- Professional Nurses trained in palliative care
- Doctors
- Social Worker
- Spiritual Counsellor
Poverty Relief
Food hampers and nutritious products provided by sponsors are distributed to the patients when available.
Day Care
- Interact socially
- Learn new hobbies
- Opportunity for clinical assessments
- Health Education
- Counselling
- Music Exercises
- Laughter Therapy
- Enjoying lunch together in a fun filled environment
Psycho-social and Spiritual Support
Provides a culturally sensitive support to assist patients and families to deal with social, emotional and spiritual needs
Clinical Care
Once a month, a volunteer medical Doctor examines some of the patients at the hospice and prescribed medication is obtained from the local pharmacy.